Random Workout Review
I am very much into the habit of exercise. I’ve been exercising consistently for nearly four years now and I’ve done many an aerobic tape. Generally my schedule is that I get up in the morning, do half an hour of aerobics, and then half an hour of toning and then I’m done. I do this four times a week. I know it should be five, but Wednesdays I have to get up early and don’t have the time. Since I’ve been doing this for four years, I’ve accumulated a hefty number of aerobics tapes. 65 to be exact, though in actuality there are a handful of them that I don’t do. Usually because they’re weird toning tapes that aren’t effective or something like that. I have decided to start blogging about some of these tapes that I do, as some of them are quite….eccentric. The first of these shall be Gilad.
I only have one Gilad tape thus far, and I did it this morning. It’s called Gilad: Fat burning workout, Bodies in Motion, On location in Hawaii. It is a very odd and cheesy tape, though the workout itself is quite effective. In the beginning of the video it shows slow motion scenes of Gilad running, jumping, throwing discuses, and doing all manner of manly athletic activities. Then it has his workout wenches doing leg lifts, and then more scenes of him running and stuff, and then there’s a random scene of jumping dolphins. It’s extremely cheesy and extremely, well gay for lack of a better word. I don’t think that was his intention at all though. In fact, I’m pretty sure he’s straight. Still, despite that he wears capri length spandex that’s altogether too shiny and says rather corny thins such as, “Fly with the eagles!!!” And “We’re getting better every day!!” It’s all the more amusing because he has a really deep manly and powerful voice, plus he has an accent. In the end this only makes him all the more funny. I think he’s from Israel but I’m not entirely sure. Anyway, it’s a very funny tape and it’s a good workout too. There’s one point where he slips off his workout platform thingy and his foot sinks into the sand on the beach. His reaction is amusing, as is that of his workout wenches. One of them starts to laugh at him and he in turn begins drilling her to do more lunges in quite a commanding voice. He has a sense of humor about it though and decides everyone should do their own thing for thirty seconds. I don’t know why, but it’s my favorite part of the show. I love it when people mess up on aerobics tapes. It happens more than people realize, but you have to pay attention. It’s almost a hobby with me to catch their errors.
I like this workout because it amuses me highly, it’s fun to see a man in capris dancing around on the sand, saying corny inspiring things in a heavy accent, and ordering his workout wenches about. It is a highly fun romp, gets the heart rate going, and is entertaining at the same time. On a scale of 1-10 I give it a 7.7
Haha, Gilad!! I actually KNOW who that guy is. My junior year in high school, the personal fitness teacher was very pregnant and so we did she invited everyone to bring in any aerobics tape to do for the last month of school. My friend brought Gilad and like you said, it's so gay, but very effective...."Can you feel the burn??" I thought he sounded rather like Arnold Schwarzenegger in accent.
I miss my Gilad workout. A friend borrowed it and NEVER returned it!
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