Thursday, October 09, 2008

It is my firm belief that only idiots get into power. In my recent job I had at least half a dozen different managers, and only one or two of them actually had any sense. Wouldn't you know it, they were never in my department? Sigh. Anyway, I've found that people are selfish, lazy, unscrupulous and just plain mean. None of the main managers knew how to run the store properly. Especially not my department. It was downright ridiculous! We were forever running out of protective gowns, masks, and gloves and when you're dealing with animal poop, that's just not a good thing. We also never had vegetables for the animals because we kept running out and no one would go to the store to get anymore! I gave them plenty of warning whenever we ran low on anything but of course nothing was done and we would go for a month at a time sometimes without the much needed items. They also were really really critical and never told you that you did a good job even if you did do one. All they cared about was the fact that I was slower than the others, despite the fact that the only reason for this slowness was because I was the only one doing everything on the list! Most other workers skipped the tasks they thought were too time consuming and signed off on it anyway (literally). They've confessed this to me multiple times, though frankly their work spoke for itself anyway. One worker was even caught not feeding the animals or changing their water and he didn't even get in trouble! So the managers and workers talked behind my back about how slow I was even though I did every dang thing I was supposed to, kept everything beautifully clean, was early every day, and always did my job. No one even noticed. Instead they tried to screw me over by trying to make me work evenings instead when they knew I was hired for the morning shift only. They also cut my hours, put pressure on me, and didn't give me any help in opening the store. On top of that, they never listened to my concerns, risked my health several times with their lack of health precautions, and then they went behind my back to schedule me for a day I was supposed to have off and never told me about it. So when I didn't show up I was subject to mean gossip and insults both from my managers and co-workers. I have been nothing but honest and patient and thorough but naturally retail never cares about that sort of thing. True, there were a few very nice people I did meet, but the nice ones are usually getting pooped on by the evil ones too I've found. Retail I have decided, is the devil's corporation. It is full of lying, unscrupulous, useless, lazy, backstabbing, gossiping, uncaring morons who wouldn't know how to be helpful if their own jobs depended on it. And so after a year, I quit. I will never go back to retail again if I can at all help it, and that means selling my own plasma and teaching anything I can think of if need be. So to Petsmart I say, "You suck!" Unfortunately they got the last laugh. Right after I quit I developed ringworm on my arm. I guess going 3 weeks without gloves has it's consequences.



Blogger Melinda said...

You should report them to the Better Bureau of Business or something-at least for the ringworm crap.

Don't write off ALL retail, not all retail is like that. If you work for a good company, it can be awesome, like when Cory worked for US Cellular, it was the best company we've ever worked for. Sure it was grueling, and sometimes Cory got made fun of for taking so long on his adds, but when they realized that his customers didn't come back in needing to know how to do something on their phone, they started to respect him for it. I worked for Old Navy for a couple months and didn't have any problems either. I just don't want you to make a hasty generalization based on one company being extremely stupid. Alltell (that took over US Cellular) was a stupid, PetSmart like company. Left us pretty bitter about retail, and we probably won't even work in it again just because we don't want to-too intense, but we've finally been able to separate the bitterness to the individual company instead of an entire industry.

But yeah, those people at PetSmart SUCK. I have a friend who is has a Master's degree in Piano performance/pedagogy and she told me about this program called Musik Garten, and she loves the curriculum and thinks it's awesome. She just got certified last summer and I've been thinking about the possibility of that-the idea is to have classes with a bunch of kids (and a parent-it's required, especially since the program is for birth-yrs) and you can have a 1 hour class each week that you charge $5 a class for each kid, and have 10 kids be in the group and you've just made $50/hour. Pretty cool! Maybe if they do a certification in Portland or something during the summer, we could do it together.

7:40 PM  

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